Our week ahead: Cockerels, gnocchi and ignoring the fear

Gill Sherwin, Best of British Beer. The Next Chapter Podcast

From Insurance to Best of British Beer: Gill Sherwin

I get up at..

The sound of our cockerel crowing, so it varies depending on the sun

Before I leave the house I must:

Apply some SPF

Best Time Saving Tip:

Don’t buy clothes that need too much ironing or online food shopping.

Best Quick Midweek Dish:

Pan fried Gnocchi with broccoli and chorizo. Less than 10 mins

Lark or Owl:


I like to exercise by...

Walking to the village shop ( 2 miles away) or mucking out

Cornwall or Caribbean:

Would love it to be Caribbean but more likely Cornwall

Americano or Chai Latte:

Chai Latte I have a sweet tooth

The book I’m reading:

One day I shall astonish the world, Nina Stibbe

The book I’d give to a friend to cheer her up:

‘The Girl With The Louding Voice.’ It’s uplifting in the end.

A sign of a good weekend is…

Sore feet from walking miles with several pub stops

Best advice given:

The old Scottish saying: What’s for you will not go by you.

When I feel overwhelmed I….

Get grumpy!

 I believe if you’re thinking about a Next Chapter you should…

Do whatever you need to do to turn that page as quickly as you can. Don’t delay through fear

Feel the fear and…

Ignore it. It’s just in your head


Follow your intuition, batch cooking and giant cups of tea


‘Prep the night before…’