Follow your intuition, batch cooking and giant cups of tea

From Art Teacher to Garden Nursery Owner: Hanna Armitage

I get up at.. 7.30am. Later if possible!

Before I leave the house, I must… Have a cup of tea in the same massive cup every morning! I can go without breakfast but not tea.

Best Time Saving Tip: Batch cooking on my Mondays off so I don’t have to rush after work and the kids.

Best Quick Midweek Dish: Korean style beef stir fry 

Lark or Owl: Accidental owl! I’m an insomniac 

I like to exercise by...running

Cornwall or Caribbean: Love Cornwall but going abroad is pretty special with a young family

Americano or Chai Latte: just a latte please!

The book I’m reading: just finished Sorry & Bliss by Meg Mason which took me a week as it was so good but made me cry too

The book I’d give to a friend to cheer her up: Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton

A sign of a good weekend is: going to bed with a full tummy of good food and wine!

Best advice given: Don’t expect anyone to do anything you wouldn’t do yourself 

When I feel overwhelmed I… have lots of work tasks at the same time and kids on school holidays

What do you need in place to be able to work on your Next Chapter? I need planning permission for a permanent cafe at the nursery!

I believe if you’re thinking about a Next Chapter you should…

Feel the fear and….follow your intuition, it’s usually correct.


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Our week ahead: Cockerels, gnocchi and ignoring the fear